As promised, my spy in the field has returned from Bonnaroo with his report of what happened, or at least what he thought was happening. He sells himself short -- this is what I imagine the experience to be like, and it made me really nostalgic for Coachella.
I'll be posting an update each day, one for each day of the festival. Stay tuned for the full story.
When Brian asked me to review Bonnaroo 2007, I had two immediate reactions: a) I am not a journalist, and b) I am on shrooms.
Intrinsic to a psychedelic trip is the inability to ever, ever be able to relate the experience afterwards to someone who hasn’t been there. Thusly is it with Bonnaroo.
But whatever. During their second (read: second) encore, The Flaming Lips played a song that Wayne Coyne described as a song that was written for Bonnaroo. Youtube that shit, and maybe you will begin to understand.
We—myself, Matt, David, Wil, Phil—set up base camp about a mile and a half from Centeroo. First order of business: breaking out the mini-keg of Heineken that we had in the cooler, and lamenting that we hadn’t bought at least two more. We survive, somehow, on the additional two boxes of wine and handle of vodka. Three separate drug dealers solicit us within the first hour. It is decided to relax for the afternoon, and head to the attractions later at night.
Somehow the shrooms that were meant for the next day are consumed already. Matt, David, and I spend the evening on an epic journey. That’s all I really know how to say.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's report on Friday, fake drugs, and Southern rock.
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