The report from the field on day two of the 'roo:
The day begins with a solid performance by Cold War Kids; nothing life-changing. Then Kings of Leon prove that they are the South’s next huge rock band—their sound was a blast, and everything from Aha Shake Heartbreak turned into a dance song. The entire PA system actually cut out during one song, but the band didn’t realize it until afterward because the entire crowd was still clapping on beat and screaming so enthusiastically (and when they were informed, Caleb Followill angrily stormed off stage, to return shortly thereafter).
I was able to catch the last bit of The Nightwatchman. I have to say that Tom Morello sounds better in studio than live on stage. He still riled up the crowd however, with his anti-Bush rhetoric and libertarian platitudes.
On Brian’s suggestion, I skipped the beginning of The Roots show to get a good spot for the upcoming Manu Chao and the Radio Bemba Soundsystem set. This is a perfect example of how it sucks to have to choose between two great bands at Bonnaroo: Manu Chao rocked the crowd to pieces, but David later told me that The Roots performance literally brought tears to his eyes (ed.: I've read this kind of reaction a lot. Apparently the Roots' show was one for the ages, and a highlight of the festival. Sorry, man). I have to give props to Manu Chao, at age 46, and his insanely fun lead guitarist for putting out such a great show.
The enormity of Bonnaroo starts to set in. With your senses constantly being bombarded by the Tennessee heat, dust, and the souls of 100,000 other attendees, you start to wish for a shower. But onward!
We eat dinner at our tent, clearly hearing every beat of Tool though they are playing over a mile away. Since there are multiple DJs performing tonight, we plan on taking our Mali and dancing our asses off with hot strangers until the wee hours of the morning. Sounds like the greatest time ever, right? Well I bet it would have been, except that the mali turns out to be just Advil. Who cares! We still make it to the last of Aesop Rock, and enjoy the entirety of El P. El P is everything I have ever wanted out of a hip hop show and more, and perhaps the single reason that I will by the Bonnaroo 2007 DVD. David is in physical pain from the toils of Bonnaroo at this point, so we decide to return to the tent relatively early; Matt and Wil later tell us how sublime the SuperJam and DJ Shadow performances were.
Oh, and on the way to Centeroo that evening I buy doses of acid; after I realize the mali wasn’t working, I take the acid. The acid was fake too.
Stay tuned tomorrow for Saturday, the Flaming Lips, and more searching for drugs!
I am officially a jealous Jacksaur, John-o. And sorry about missing Roots for Manu Chao (though I'm glad you enjoyed em, I just couldn't find my groove with em when the came to LA).
In the meanwhile,
Hahaha. That post was NOT finished. I got distracted.
Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, ya lucky bastard.
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